Currently waiting for all the videos and highlights from all Malaysia F.A. Cup games. Only games got to watch was Johor Darul Takzim vs Perak FA. And the suspended PKNS vs Lions XII.
Via twitter suggested the game between Selangor FA vs ATM was eventful. Waiting for confirmation of the tussled which happen between the two set of players. Did heard that the football aspect of the game was scintillating.
Just waiting for videos and reviews to come up so we @ Padang Bola Sepak Malaysia can come up on our opinions.
Frequent readers and first time readers do give us a comment or criticism (We want to learn and improve on our writing and increase knowledge). Hey if you are interested in writing in this space let us know.
Hey just a hit out to potential Malaysian english commentators for Astro Arena. Do get your fact checking right, please cause if you don't you sound like a smartass. Don't try and think that you are Stewart Robson or Andy Gray or any other British commentators. Be yourselves while commentating. Be a Malaysian who have a good command of the english language and common knowledge of the local football scene. Don't be afraid to throw lah here and there. And Malay-English as well.
Will update more.
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